

所在地: 北京
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最后更新: 2022-01-16 15:44
浏览次数: 290


Project Name:LuFeng Oil Fields Development ProjectProvision of Subsea Main Ball Valves

招标编号(Bid No.):0704-2140JDCP2602/01


Date: Jan.14,2022

1. 中化建国际招标有限责任公司(以下称为“招标代理机构”)受海洋石油工程股份有限公司(以下称为“招标人”)委托,就海洋石油工程股份有限公司陆丰油田群区域开发项目2台42台2寸90°回转ROV操作球阀工作压力:10000PSI;操作方式:ROV操作,配备ROV Rocket handle,API 17H;应用水深:2000m)

2set4”90deg turn ROV Ball valve(Working Pressure: 6000PSI;Operation: ROV operated, equipped with ROV rocket handle, API 17H;Design water depth: 2000m;)

2set2”90deg turn ROV Ball valve(Working Pressure: 10000PSI; Operation: ROV operated, equipped with ROV rocket handle, API 17H;Design water depth: 2000m;)

1set4”90deg turn manual ball valve( Working Pressure: 100PSI; Operation: Manual handle) 

货物名称: 深水主球阀

Name of Goods:  Subsea Main Ball Valves


Quantity:5 Sets


Delivery Schedule: 

关境外提供的货物,合同签订后20 weeks after the signing of the contract.

关境内提供的货物,合同签订24 weeks after signing the contract.  


Requirements for Qualification and reference of Bidder:


Requirements for Qulification of Bidder :

A. 如果投标人为境内注册公司,需提供有效的营业执照(具备独立法人资格)、一般纳税人证明/税务登记证、组织机构代码证或三证合一营业执照的复印件,并加盖公章(以上所有证明文件在年审有效期内);

A. If the Bidder is domestic registered company, photocopies with Bidder’s official seal of valid business license(with independent legal person qualification), general taxpayer prove/tax registration certificate, organization code certificate or the business license of a three certificates shall be provided(all documents within the validity period);

B. 如果投标人为境外注册公司,需提供有效的公司登记注册证明;

B. If the bidder is an overseas registered company, it shall provide valid company registration certificate

C. 投标人所投产品制造商通过ISO9001质量体系认证,并提供有效的质量体系认证证书;

C. The manufacturer of the products offered by the bidder shall pass ISO9001 Certification, and the Bidder shall provide valid Certificate of Quality Management System Certification.

D. 如果投标人为代理商,投标人应得到所投货物制造商同意其在中国为本次投标提供该货物的合法正式授权书。

D. If the bidder is an agent, the Bidder shall be duly authorized bythe goods’ Manufacturer to supply the goods in this bidding project.

F.投标人投标时需提供所投阀门制造商有效的API 6DSS证书。

F.The bidder shall provide valid API 6DSS certificate of the valve manufacturer when bidding  


Requirement for Bidder’s reference:

2016年1月1日至投标截止日,投标人所投产品应具有不少于2个合同且应用于深水的销售业绩销售业绩时间为合同签署时间。业绩需满足:阀门尺寸:2” 或3” 或4”;压力等级:不低于6000 PSI;应用水深:不低于500米。

From January 1, 2016 to the bidding deadline, the bidder shall have the sales performance of at least 2 contracts applied to deepwater, and the sales performance time shall be the signing time of the contract.  Performance to meet: valve size: 2 "or 3" or 4 ";  Pressure grade: not less than 6000 PSI;  Application water depth: not less than 500 meters;  


The bidder shall submit the performance table in the prescribed format and submit relevant performance certification documents.  Performance certification documents include but are not limited to: copies of sales contracts (including relevant technical attachments, including at least the following contents: contract home page, signature page, contract signing time, name of goods, supply quantity, project category, valve size, pressure grade, design water depth and other information);  If the performance certification documents are not submitted, or the performance certification documents provided do not reflect the above information, the performance shall be regarded as invalid. 


The interested Bidders may obtain the bidding document by following method: Please login at CNOOC Procurement Operation System on the page of Invitation for bid for purchasing Bidding document from Jan.14,2022 to Jan.21,2022. For the first time of login, a registration (free ofcharge) is needed and only after successful registration, Bidder can purchase Bidding documents online. The whole purchasing process must be operated online and offline payment will not be accepted. After successful payment of RMB2000.00 or USD 350.00 for each copy of Bidding documents which isnon-refundable, Bidder may download the Bidding documents. Bidder fails to purchase Bidding documents online is not eligible to bid.


The deadline and place for submission of bid: All bids must be accompanied by a bid security as specified and must be delivered to4th floor meeting room, CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100027, P. R. China at or before 9:30am (Beijing Time) on Feb.14,2022. Any bid beyond the required time and date shall be subject for rejection.


Bid opening time: 9:30 am (Beijing Time) on Feb.14,2022.

6.开标地点: 北京市东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦四层会议室 

Bid opening place: 4th floor meeting room, CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie,Dongcheng District, P. R. China.


This Invitation for Bids will be published on China International Bidding website ( ,China Procurement and Tenderingwebsit ( China National Offshore Oil Corporation Procurement Platform ( at the same time. 


Service telephone for online purchase bidding documents and submission of bid:4000704666.


Tenderee: Offshore Oil Engineering Co.,Ltd.

地 址:天津港保税区海滨十五路199号   邮编:300461

Address: No.199,Haibin15th Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone, 300461, P.R.C.

联系人: 薛欢欢

Contact Person: Xue huanhuan





Tendering Agent: CNCCC International Tendering Co., Ltd.

地   址:北京市东城区东直门外小街6号海油大厦四层,邮编100027

Address: Floor 4 CNOOC Tower, No. 6 Dongzhimenwaixiaojie, Dongcheng District, Beijing100027,P. R. China


Contact Person: Wang Yan



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