直径范围(Diameter Range):
25mm~1000mm(1″ ~40″)
●工作压力范围(Rated Pressure Range):≤ 1.8Mpa
●最高工作温度(Max. Operating Temperature):120℃
船舶及海洋平台用GRE 管道,采用高强纤维和环氧树脂经特殊工艺缠绕成型。
Offshore Platform and marine pipe is manufactured using high strength fiber-glass and epoxy resin by special winding technology.
●导电性(Conductive Pipe):
Ocean Pipe and Fittings are supplied with conductive arbon fibers and carbon powder, that can meet the higher antistatic requirements.
●连接方式(Pipe-connecting Series):
Bell & Spigot Joint
Double “O-Ring” Joint
Flange Joint
●耐火性(Fire Resistance):